Aimee Ramsey - From Struggles to Strength

As your Representative, I will:

  • Support quality education and school choice.

  • Work for more higher paying jobs.

  • Protect the Texas border against the cartels.

  • Help reduce the cost of living.

  • Safeguard fair and accurate elections.

  • Fight to lower crime in our communities.


Be Part Of The  “Bigger Picture”  Turn This Mockup Into Reality!

We have a donor willing to match ALL donations towards a billboard!!

We need to raise $4200. Be bigger than life and click here NOW!

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Your support is crucial in taking steps for shaping a future that upholds economic prosperity, and traditional principles.

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About Aimee

About Aimee

Visit the ‘About Aimee’ page, to learn about Aimee’s background and values.

About Aimee
Key Issues

Key Issues

Dive into our issues page for a concise overview of my stance on key community challenges.

Key Issues

Support My Campaign Today

Your support is the driving force behind our mission for positive change.

Contribute today and stand with us in building a better Dallas. Every donation makes a difference, ensuring that together, we can create a lasting impact and shape a brighter future for all.

Thank you for your support!

My Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

To address the immediate national and statewide concerns voiced by District #114 citizens regarding (1) minimizing homelessness, (2) decreasing crime rates, and (3) alleviating economic disparities by addressing the government’s mishandling of Texas Border Control and Security measures.

Vision Statement

To proactively serve the citizens of District #114 as the elected official to the Texas House of Representatives and fix the lack of attention and political action provided by the current administration representing District #114.